Women in Construction: Meet Tracy Krieger

Women in Construction: Meet Tracy Krieger

By YellowBird & Tracy Krieger

In a traditionally male-dominated industry like construction, trailblazers like Tracy Krieger defy stereotypes and challenge the status quo. With over 15 years of experience in Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS), Tracy has emerged as an inspiration in her industry, breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in health science and a master’s degree in public health specializing in Environmental and Occupational Health, Tracy’s journey from general industry to construction showcases not only her expertise but also her unwavering commitment to promoting safety and sustainability in the workplace. As a YellowBird Pro, Tracy’s dedication to excellence and her pioneering spirit serves as a testament to the invaluable contributions women make in every corner of the construction industry.

We asked Tracy to share about her career, DEI in construction, the power of inclusivity and some words of wisdom for women considering a career in construction:

Women’s Contributions to a More Diverse and Inclusive Work Environment

Women on construction teams enrich our work environment in meaningful ways. We, as women, bring a broader range of ideas and approaches, resulting from our life experiences. We often tackle problems with a fresh eye, and we’re not afraid to think outside the traditional blueprint to craft innovative solutions to the complex puzzles we face on-site.

Our reputation for having a heightened attention to detail is well-earned, each measurement and decision can be integral to a building’s integrity, making our meticulousness not just valuable, but essential. It’s all about crafting structures that are robust and secure – a level of care and precision we contribute to our projects daily.

Communication is another strong characteristic commonly found among women in construction. Whether coordinating a tricky task on-site, orchestrating project timelines, or building relationships with clients and stakeholders, our ability to connect and articulate clearly helps keep projects flowing smoothly. By welcoming diversity, we’re building a foundation for creativity and innovation, paving the way for solutions that might otherwise be overlooked.

Recruiting & Retaining Top Talent in Construction

Embracing gender diversity leads to better problem-solving and sparks more creativity on projects. When we build teams that draw from a spectrum of life stories, backgrounds, and ways of seeing the world, we’re setting ourselves up for success. This blend of perspectives empowers us to look at problems from every angle, brainstorm a wider array of solutions, and land on outcomes that are both innovative and effective.

Let’s face it, construction has traditionally been a male-dominated field, and that’s left us with some significant gaps in pay, leadership roles, and the overall culture of workplaces. By supporting women in our industry, we’re moving toward a more equitable space where pay parity, advancement opportunities, and inclusive practices are the norm, not the exception.

Teams rich in gender diversity see the bigger picture and the subtle details, they are always a step ahead, crafting contingency plans and making savvy choices. When women step into roles in engineering, on-site management, or any of the other positions in construction, it creates positive momentum. I often see teams communicating more effectively, collaborating like never before, and building a sense of camaraderie that creates change for the good.

Challenges Women Face in Construction 

Breaking into and moving up in the construction industry comes with its own set of hurdles. We often face outdated gender biases and stereotypes that wrongly suggest construction isn’t our playing field. These preconceptions can sneak into hiring decisions, promotion opportunities, and everyday interactions on the job, making it a real challenge for many talented women to gain a foothold and climb the career ladder.

When it feels like you’re one of just a few women in the room, especially in key leadership and decision-making roles, it’s tough to keep pushing forward. The shortage of women in these positions can leave many aspiring female professionals feeling isolated and unsure if there’s a path forward for them. It’s hard to be what you can’t see, and without enough role models and mentors to guide the way, the journey can seem overwhelming.

The Positive Impact of Inclusivity

Inclusive practices in our industry make a big difference to the success of our projects and the happiness of our clients. There’s a genuine appreciation out there for teams that represent the community we’re all a part of. When companies show that they are serious about diversity and fairness, they lay down a foundation of trust and confidence with clients. They feel it, and it shows in their satisfaction with what they build together.

Our world is growing more diverse and socially aware by the day, and everyone involved in our projects, from clients to investors, and even the folks who set the rules, are watching. They’re counting on us to lead the way in diversity, equity, and inclusion. And when we do, we’re not just checking a box—we’re meeting the high standards expected of us, showing that we’re about more than just the bottom line. We’re about doing business with heart, with an eye on what’s fair and right.

Promoting gender equality in construction goes beyond the job site—it’s about building a foundation for economic empowerment and societal advancement. When we champion gender equality, we uncover a rich, diverse talent pool that infuses the construction industry with creativity, innovation, and a boost in productivity.

Women are propelling the industry forward, enhancing its ability to power the economy. By spearheading gender equality, we’re taking concrete steps towards narrowing the gender pay gap, ensuring that women are compensated fairly for their hard work. This push for parity isn’t just about fairness for women—it’s a stride towards broader economic justice and equality. As women carve out their success in construction, they lay the groundwork for others, creating inspiration for the next wave of women builders and leaders.

Women in Leadership 

Having women in leadership roles within construction firms positively impacts our culture and the way we make decisions. Teams led by a mix of genders create better collaboration and teamwork. Women at the helm often make communication, empathy, and reaching a common ground a top priority.

Women in charge not only excel in their roles but also become icons and mentors, especially for other women who see them and think, “I can be up there too.” They’re not just leaders, they’re driving others to reach for more.

Nowadays, everyone expects employers to champion diversity and inclusion, and rightly so. Construction firms with women in the driver’s seat are exceeding these expectations, earning trust and credibility left, right, and center. When the going gets tough, these gender-diverse leadership teams are the ones who stand at the top, armed with skills like empathy, great interpersonal communication, and the flexibility to create further change as needed.

Welcoming more women into leadership within construction sets a new standard. By pushing for gender diversity and inclusion, we’re building firms that are dynamic, nimble, forward-thinking, and ready to lead in our fast-paced industry.

By setting up mentorship and networking opportunities, we can connect women with seasoned pros who offer guidance, support, and career advice. Building networks that help women overcome hurdles and progress in their careers is essential. We must ensure fair hiring practices, offering equal opportunities to women at every level of our organizations. By rooting out bias in our hiring, selection, and promotion processes, we’ll attract and keep a rich pool of talent. Working together with stakeholders to exchange best practices, resources, and strategies is key to moving the needle on diversity and inclusion efforts.

Firms that commit to these principles earn trust, credibility, and stronger bonds with clients and partners. Fostering gender diversity and inclusivity in construction is essential for sparking innovation, making smarter decisions, enhancing employee engagement, and guaranteeing lasting success and resilience.

What advice would you give to a woman interested in a career in construction?

Trust in yourself and your abilities. Embrace the unique skills, perspectives, and strengths you bring to the table. Chase your construction dreams with vigor. Seek out educational and training opportunities to enhance your knowledge and grow your confidence in this field.

Find mentors and build a support network within the construction community. Look for those who will offer you guidance, cheer you on, and provide the advice you need as you carve out your career path. Surround yourself with believers—people who see your potential and are eager to support your journey to success. You are the driving force behind meaningful change and the reshaping of the industry’s future.

Above all, never doubt the significance of your impact in construction. Be authentic, seize every chance for growth, and be a voice for gender equality in construction. Your voice is significant, your presence inspirational, and your actions pave the way for innovation and excellence in construction. Choosing a career in construction has been the most fulfilling decision I’ve ever made.

About the author

Abby Fenzel is the Director of Marketing & Communications for YellowBird. If you’re looking for quality, experienced EHS professionals, look no further than YellowBird! YellowBird’s professional gig platform quickly and easily connects vetted and certified Environmental, Health, Safety, and Risk Professionals to opportunities on-demand. YellowBird uses matching technology to connect the right people, in the right location, with the right experience for the job. Safety has never been so simple! To see more go to www.goYellowBird.com.

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