SLDF Podcast with Walls and Hasselwander

  • In Podcast
  • September 29, 2021

September 29, 2021

The American Subcontractors Association is unique in the support and management of its Subcontractor Legal Defense Fund, devoted to protecting the rights of subcontractors in appellate court cases across the country. Each year, these courts hand down hundreds of decisions on federal and state laws that apply to subcontractors’ businesses. In today’s podcast, we are highlighting a critical case before the Oklahoma Supreme Court this year. The case involves a subcontractor who had its lien rights waived by a contractor without the subcontractor’s knowledge or consent.

Joining us to discuss the case and the importance of the SLDF to our community are Tami Hasselwander, Executive Director of our ASA Oklahoma Chapter and the attorney who handled the case on behalf of the SLDF, David Walls, Founder of the David A. Walls PLLC law firm in Oklahoma City.

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