President’s Letter – July 2024

President’s Letter – July 2024

Dear Members and Friends of ASA,

It is quite an honor to begin my term as your ASA National President. I look forward, with great anticipation, to serve you in the best way possible.

About 17 years ago, my company, Prime Electric, became a member of ASA. At the time, my business partners asked me to be the “active” member of ASA, as they were involved in another national organization. And so I started attending chapter meetings and events. I have to admit I was a bit timid about getting involved and meeting others in our industry. First, I was asked to join a committee; later I was asked to be on the chapter board, and eventually made my way up to becoming president of ASA New Mexico.

In 2016 I attended my first SubExcel in Miami, FL. A year later I was asked to serve on the National Board. And as they say, the rest is history. I would have never thought, 17 years ago, that I would be your ASA National President. I am blessed and honored to be in this role. You can too.

In the 44 years that I have been in the subcontracting industry and 26 years as a business owner, I have seen the many changes that have taken place. Some for the good and others, not so good. Being a part of ASA has definitely broadened my horizon and helped me, personally, gain a wealth of knowledge and understanding in helping our company deal with the complexities that we face in our industry. ASA has been, and continues to be, the association that helps our industry move forward. Of course, if you are reading this letter, you probably already know that.

We are in the middle of the summer and with that, most of us experience severe heat, with what seems like record temperatures every year. Just a reminder to make sure your workers take the necessary steps to stay safe in the high temperatures of the summer. Hydration and frequent breaks in cooler locations are key. As with any aspect of the tasks our workers perform, safety is paramount and we want our workers to return home to their families every day. Stay cool and stay safe!

As a reminder, every ASA member is invited to attend the Think Tank meetings. Think Tank was created to serve the purpose of developing innovative ideas amongst the members who participate and to share the experiences that we all have in our businesses. I would encourage that if you have never attended a Think Tank meeting that you do so. You will walk away with a wealth of knowledge that you can take back to your companies. Our next Think Tank meeting is on September 18th in Seattle, Washington. The ASA National website has more information about it to register.

In this issue of Contractor’s Compass, the topic is on Document Management. And we come at it from a wide variety of angles. Just scan the table of contents and pick one…or two. Whether it’s on streamlining and easing the burden of document management, enhancing efficiencies and optimizing workflows, or something different. I encourage you to read these articles, as I know that if you are like me, anything to help make “paperwork” easier is a huge plus.

During my tenure as President, I would like to see ASA grow. That may sound cliché, but I don’t just mean in terms of numbers. I truly want to see the growth be about strength as a cohesive and collaborative association, that can make a difference in our industry. We can continue to grow in this fashion with your input and support. What you put into it, you will get out of it. I learned that – and much more – in my 17 years as a member. Please bring your fresh ideas and suggestions to the table. Work through your chapters, chapter leadership and executive directors to help improve our industry and the way we do business. Likewise, please look to ASA National to help you as chapters and members. We are all in this together to continue to make a stronger industry.

I wish to thank Brad Miller for his leadership and guidance during his tenure as President, as well as the Executive Committee who I collaborate with on a regular basis. I am grateful for the dedicated Board of Directors as well. I wish to thank Richard Bright, our Executive Director, and his staff along with Mike Oscar and his staff for their continued hard work on the National Level. I anticipate everyone’s continued support and commitment to ASA. This includes our Chapters, Chapter Leaders, and of course our Chapter Executive Directors who are “the boots on the ground”.

I am always open to any comments, suggestions or ideas you may have. Thank you for affording me the opportunity to lead you. Together we can make a difference.



Ray Moya

ASA President 2024-2025

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