President’s Letter – July 2023

Dear Readers – 

Thank you for your support as I start my term as President of ASA. 

In 2005 I stepped my big hairy toe into ASA, getting involved in the local Kansas chapter. As a second generation owner and ASA member, it didn’t take long before I saw how great this association is. Almost 20 years later, I’ve seen and experienced a lot! But being President at the national level is something else again. Even in these short few weeks, I’ve gained an appreciation for the scope and breadth of the impact we have had, do have, and will have on the subcontractor community. 

Being in DC for the Fly In in June, talking with the legislators, and explaining the many issues we have as subcontractors, you could feel the influence we have at a national level, but we also explained to them all of the activities taking place at the most important chapter level. 

Rusty highlighted his accomplishments last month in his letter to readers, so I’m going to look ahead and let you know where I’m going to focus my efforts. Will you help me?

  1. Grow our membership. The more unified voices we have, the better. Stay involved in your local chapters. When was the last time you participated in a local activity? Connect with a new member. Invite a non-member to join you at an event. Case in point…I just learned from our New Jersey chapter that they got 18 new members from an event they did in the Spring! Can you top that? 
  2. Partnerships. We partner with other associations to get legislation passed; the Subcontractor’s Legal Defense Fund is out there supporting several cases that could impact subcontractors nationwide. We just launched a health care plan for our members. Have you checked it out? Home Depot is now an ASAdvantage member offering discounts.
  3. Education and Information. While SUBExcel is our national focus, and the opportunity to learn and network with those like you from around the country, there are so many other opportunities to learn – from the documents and resources on InfoHub, local events, and just picking up the phone and calling a member (also in InfoHub) to get their thoughts on an issue. Reach out. 

And just a reminder – the webinars that ASA hosts are top-notch. Lots of insight..and they’re free for members. Coming up on August 9 is one about selling your company – it’s not just about the paperwork. Emotions run high. Are you ready?

Okay – now onto the topic of the month. This issue of The Contractor’s Compass focuses on insurance and claims. What does your general liability policy really cover? What are some crucial steps – sometimes overlooked – that need to be followed when filing a claim? Also, what are companies doing to prepare for mental anguish claims? Can they? Plus more nuggets to think about.

Again, I’m honored you have put your trust and leadership responsibilities for this association into my hands, and I will do my best to make you glad you did. 


Brad Miller

President, ASA – 2023-24

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