President’s Letter – January 2025

President’s Letter – January 2025

Greetings fellow ASA Members and Guests of ASA –

Well, whether we were ready for it or not, 2025 has arrived. And I might add, that it has literally arrived with a vengeance. While most of us may be comfortable in our homes and offices, there are those that are starting 2025 with record cold temperatures and snowy weather while others are having to deal with the devastating fires that have engulfed our friends in southern California. We ask God’s blessing on those that are dealing with these natural disasters and pray for the safety and quick recovery of those affected. And as always ASA is there to lend a helping hand when called upon to do so. At the beginning of a new year, most seem to come up with a list of “resolutions” on how we are going to do better for ourselves and our businesses. Then as soon as the “honeymoon” of the New Year wears off, we find ourselves reverting back to our old ways and in some cases, bad habits of the past. I encourage all of you to look at each day as a new beginning and keep the enthusiasm of “something new”, throughout the year.

One of the ways in which we, as business owners and leaders in our industry, can keep things fresh is through careful planning. This month we focus on Mastering Cash Flow and Taxes. Since it is the start of a new year, plan on how to look at your finances and figure out a way to keep more of what you earn. After all, as business owners and leaders we take on HUGE risks with the work we perform. The more money we can keep because of those great risks, the better off we are and the more capital we have to invest in the growth and prosperity of our businesses.

With the start of this new year in particular, we are also ushering in a new (but previous) President and his Cabinet Secretaries and leaders. Whereas some may be happy with the new administration and others not so happy, we must unite as a nation and support each other in our efforts to better our lives and keep the values of our great nation intact. I encourage all of you to stay informed on issues that affect our industry and there is no better place to stay informed than by listening to our outstanding ASA Director of Government Relations, Mike Oscar. If you have questions or concerns regarding issues that affect you or your businesses from the perspective of what is happening on Capitol Hill, please reach out to Mike. He is more than willing to always help. With that said, plan on coming to DC in June for our annual “Walk on the Hill”.

I encourage you to please take advantage of all that ASA National has to offer. There are many tools to assist you as business owners and also tools to help your chapters function better and grow.

Please consider attending our ASA Webinar on February 26th from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM EST – How to Build Your Brand on LinkedIn.

Registration for SUBExcel will be open soon and I encourage that you all plan on attending in September in Oklahoma City. You will hear more about this in the months ahead but I hope you put this down on your calendars as a “must attend” event.

A Happy and Successful 2025 to all of you. As always, “my door is open” to any comments, feedback, ideas, questions, etc. that you may have. Good luck to your football teams that may (or may not) reach the Super Bowl this year. Sorry to my friends in Texas and Dallas in particular but….

You know that they call the Dallas Cowboys, “America’s Team”. Do you know why? It’s because when the playoffs roll around, they are just like the rest of America…Sitting at home watching football on TV. – Sorry but I couldn’t pass on that one.

God bless you all and take care!

Ray Moya,
President, ASA 2024-25

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