President’s Letter – December 2019

President’s Letter – December 2019

Dear ASA Members,

As 2019 comes to a close, I can simply say this; what a wonderful year it has been!  We’ve shared SUBExcel in Nashville, TN, held chapter events, met during the Legislative Fly-In in DC, and shared countless newsletters, stories, and webinars that truly show just how strong the American Subcontractors Association is.  We would not be the organization we are without each and every one of you.  

As we look to 2020, I want to encourage you all to keep working hard for the subcontracting community.  We are stronger together, and if we keep working and fighting together for the issues important to all of us, I can only imagine where we will be at the end of 2020.  

I look forward to seeing all of you in Las Vegas, NV for SUBExcel!  If you have not attended before, I must say that attending SUBExcel and taking the opportunity to learn from and network with all of your fellow industry leaders is immensely worthwhile, not only for you but for your company.  There will be top-notch speakers, engaging education sessions, and some really fun events planned during the national convention. I truly hope to see all of you there on March 4-7, 2020!

As President of ASA, I wish you, the members, abundance, happiness, and most of all, peace.  Best wishes for a happy holiday season, and my heartfelt appreciation for your past, present, and future loyalty to ASA.  Best wishes for a wonderful and successful 2020!


Anthony Brooks
2019-2020 ASA President

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