President’s Letter – August 2024

President’s Letter – August 2024

Dear fellow members and friends of ASA,

I hope that all is well with everyone as the summer months are coming to a close. Where did the summer go? I am not sure what it is like where you all live, but in New Mexico we have had some very hot days, some fierce wildfires that have destroyed much property (and a few lives were lost), only to be followed up with some major rains that caused severe flooding in those areas that had just been hit with the wildfires. Thanks to the support of our own ASA-NM Chapter, we were able to gather donations from our members to help out those people that experienced these tragedies of fire and flood. And of course there are the fires in California and Hurricane Debby that wreaked havoc as well. We pray for all who have been affected by these natural disasters. Hoping their lives can return to some sort of normalcy soon. And remember, our disaster preparedness guide is available to everyone.

In the midst of all of this chaos, I hope that your businesses are thriving and that you are finding a healthy balance between being busy enough and being too busy and overwhelmed. Remember that ASA has tools that can help you out. Network with your fellow members and find what is working best for them. Share your ideas as well. Remember, we are all a part of a great association and an even greater industry.

In this issue of Contractor’s Compass the focus is on “the next generation” which is the future of our construction industry. Some of us “old dogs”, like me, who have been in this industry for many years, have seen many changes. They seem to come at us more rapidly than they used to. Our younger workforce can definitely help steer the way our industry goes. So how do we attract, retain and enhance construction careers? This issue will help us understand this better.

Also you will read two Always Something Awesome (ASA) articles. One of our newest chapters, Iowa, held a very successful golf tournament in which they raised money for their chapter and also spread awareness about ASA in the Iowa construction community. Great job Iowa! Also we had a little “friendly” competition going on in Texas as to which chapter would boast to be ASA’s largest. Is it San Antonio or is it North Texas? They say things are always bigger in Texas. So what about WITHIN Texas!?

A few reminders coming up that we hope you can participate in and take advantage of:

  • September 11th at 12:00 Noon EDT – Join in on this webinar on Maximizing your ASA Membership, hosted by Matt Levine. Whether you are a new member of you just need a refresher as to why your ASA membership is so valuable. Bring your questions and try to stump the host.
  • September 16th at 12:00 Noon EDT – ED Forum, with yours truly, for our Executive Directors (during your ED Share Call). Bring me your “wish lists” of ideas and we can discuss how to best make them happen.
  • September 18th live and in person in Seattle, Washington – Think Tank!! A wealth of ideas shared among your fellow ASA members from all over the country and from all trades and disciplines in our industry.
  • NEW! ASA Podcast, featuring guests and topics that hit home with Subcontractors! The first two episodes are available in the Learning Center at The first episode focuses on Workforce Development where we discuss how ASA is responding to the need for skilled workers in the construction industry. The second episode gives an overview of ASA’s Advocacy efforts, including how Mike Oscar and the team work to get important issues for Subcontractors in front of key legislators, some of the success we’re having, and how ASA members can get involved.

As we now have our Fall Season just around the corner, we have many things on our plates. Kids back to school, start of football season (wishing most of you successes with your teams – some teams I cannot cheer for), and putting up the boats and RVs, just to name a few. But don’t forget to take the time to catch your breath and count your blessings.

We look at the hard work, dedication and focus that so many of our athletes from the United States went through to prepare for the Olympics that just concluded. The result of it, collectively, was a huge success. We can do the same in our businesses if we take advantage of what ASA has to offer and if we reach out to our fellow members.

As always, please reach out to me if you have any comments, are in need of anything, or even just to say “hello”. I am here to serve you in the best way I can. I hope to see some of you soon.

Thank you,

Ray Moya
ASA President, 2024-25

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