President’s Letter – August 2023

Dear Readers – 

Almost the entire country has experienced some bizarre weather this summer – whether it’s 30 days of 100+ degrees in Arizona, smoke from Canada in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest, the horrific fires on Maui…or check out this view of a double rainbow with a swath of accumulated hail on the ground after an Oklahoma storm. Through it all, I hope you’ve been able to stay safe and hydrated, and have helped others do the same. 

A month into my year-long presidency, and already I feel like I’ve been here…well, not quite forever. I was honored to check out our South Carolina chapter and help welcome the slate of board members. What a great event they have every year! I look forward to next year’s visit in Wilmington, NC. 

This month’s issue is focused on small business. Starting a small business is no easy task (thanks, dad) – every responsibility is on you. Once the word is out and you start bringing in business, you have to 1) make sure you do a good job, 2) keep the accounting straight, and 3) keep the marketing going (not to mention all the other minor – but major things – that are critical to a start-up business. 

We’re still battling inflation and labor shortages/quality – around the country. Still – startup businesses are 42% ahead of 2019 levels, with more companies being founded by minorities and women.

Speaking of small business, the next enrollment period is coming up for the ASAdvantage Health Plan that was launched this year for members. If you haven’t done a comparison yet, now is a great time to see how your current company plan compares to ASAdvantage Health Plan. Any time you can reduce health care expenses without sacrificing coverage you should try.

As we’ve mentioned before in previous issues, our Subcontractor Legal Defense Fund is currently supporting three separate cases – a prompt payment case successfully argued in Texas, an Illinois duty to defend insurance case, and a duty to indemnify case that has advanced to the Oregon Supreme Court as a result of our joint amicus brief with the ABC in that state. Please consider supporting the Fund at – contributions from our members and partners enables us to keep fighting for your subcontractor rights in court cases with far-reaching impact on your business and operations.

Members – join us in Grand Rapids, Michigan on September 20 for our semiannual Think Tank meeting. We’ll be discussing important industry issues and Association business. If you want to have a say in what your association is doing – join us. 

I hope you’ve got SUBExcel, March 6-9, in New Orleans, marked on your calendar. We’re working on the agenda, speakers, and events, and we’ll start sharing that information soon.

In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer, and please watch out for yourself – and others.

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