Dear ASA Members:
I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family over the Easter Weekend and is looking forward to warmer weather, summertime around the corner, and a bright future ahead. I know at Lone Star Paving, the temperatures are now well above freezing and we are into the hot mix asphalt season, which means we have a lot of business days to come. I also wanted to welcome Autodesk to the family of ASA Sponsors, and I am grateful for their support of the subcontractor community.
If you were able to attend ASA’s SubExcel conference this year, I hope you took away as much as I did from the experience! The leadership training was top-notch, and the peer-to-peer networking (now that we are moving beyond COVID-19) was great to enjoy. As always, hats off to the ASA staff for putting on an amazing program, and all of the magic they do behind the scenes to make these events a success.
This issue has a number of interesting articles. I hope you will enjoy Dale Carnegie’s article about motivation, purpose, and innovation, which on the surface doesn’t directly deal with finance, but of course…in the end, it’s all about productivity, and greater productivity leads to greater profitability. Likewise, Gregg Schoppman writes about cost integrity – why some projects appear to be winning, but when all is said and done, they lose. Those that are involved in operations or finances should find this article very interesting.
As was mentioned at SubExcel, we are starting the relaunch of ASA’s Foundation (FASA). We hope to have a related article each month, and believe this is the first step in a truly remarkable plan for subcontractor and industry education, advocacy and leadership consistent with our vision of fair contracting, better quality, and a safer working environment for all stakeholders.
As always, thank you again for the opportunity to serve as your National ASA President. Start thinking about, and make sure your calendar is blocked off for SUBExcel in Ft. Worth next year, March 8-11.
Brian K. Carroll