Looking to Improve Safety Culture? Have Management that Commits

By Dave Galbraith, AVP of risk management, technical lead, Amerisure Insurance 

Health and safety culture is the key factor in determining the effectiveness of a safety system. The everyday actions and behaviors that occur on the job site determine the success of a safety program.  

Many studies show that middle and low level managers, in particular, influence the health and safety well-being of subordinates. Those who place a high priority on health and safety, and who use their authority to enforce safety, experience greater safety culture. To showcase their commitment and improve safety culture, managers have numerous options. Implementing the suggestions below can be the first step in transforming the health and safety values at your organization.  

Develop policies, procedures and guidelines 

Safety language should be incorporated into applicable policies and procedures. These plans should encompass topics from equipment operations to worker rescue. Employees should be briefed on the policy during their new hire training and regularly going forward. All employees should have access to a digital and print copy of the company’s safety procedures for reference.   

Implement safety activities 

Finances should be used to purchase appropriate personal protective equipment and to provide continuous safety education for all employees. An organization may also consider investing in technology, like wearables or telematics, to collect safety data and guide the safety culture transformation at the company. These technologies can reduce safety incidents and help your organization operate more efficiently. 

Identify recognition and corrective action processes 

Employees who proactively identify hazards and close calls, or report injuries, are a great safety asset. They might receive a shout-out during a safety meeting, or other recognition for their effort. On the contrary, when a safety situation arises it should be addressed visibly and promptly. Your organization should develop a formalized process of addressing safety concerns and conducting blame-free investigations of incidents.  

Share your commitment 

It all starts with management! One of the easiest ways to show your commitment is on the job site. Always wear the proper personal protective equipment and follow all safety policies. Management also can lead discussions about safety during meetings or other impromptu events. When safety is made a regular topic, employees feel more comfortable discussing concerns with management. 

In conclusion, by following these tips, managers can create a cohesive safety climate that aligns the adequacy of programs, organizational procedures and actual job site conditions. This climate will improve overall safety culture and enhance your business.  

Dave Galbraith is AVP – Loss Control Technical Lead at Ameriure Insurance. Amerisure is one of the nation’s leading providers of commercial insurance, protecting businesses for over 100 years. They specialize in managing risk for businesses in construction, manufacturing and healthcare. Amerisure.com

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