By Mary Klett, ASA Communications Team

Watch out world, Iowa’s got the energy! It’s not easy to run a successful and profitable golf tournament, period. Even more incredible, is the chapter is just out of the blocks!

The fledgling ASA chapter in Iowa recently hosted its inaugural golf tournament fundraiser, a testament to the dedication, enthusiasm, and grit of its all-volunteer team. The event attracted 54 players, a promising turnout for a first-time event, showcasing the construction community’s support and interest. The tournament was not only a chance for participants to enjoy a day on the green but also an opportunity to foster connections within the local construction-related communities. The volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure the event ran smoothly, from organizing the logistics to providing a welcoming atmosphere for all attendees.

In addition to the players, the tournament was bolstered by numerous hole and event sponsors, whose contributions significantly enhanced the day’s success. These sponsors played a crucial role in the event, providing financial support and donating prizes and services, which added excitement and value for the participants. The chapter’s leadership expressed deep gratitude for the community’s generosity, emphasizing that the funds raised will go a long way in supporting the ASA’s mission and future initiatives. This golf tournament marked a promising start for the Iowa chapter, setting a solid foundation for future events and growth.

Kudos and a huge ASA shout out to Doug Kumm of The Baker Group, with backup support from Scott Bleich and the other hard workers, who managed to put together a fantastic tournament. They even managed to make the weather cooperate with a sunny, clear, perfect day for golf…until they got drenched on the last holes.

And another shout out to the sponsors, whose support kept the tears, pulled hair, and sleepless nights for the organizers to a minimum.

And many thanks to our awesome SPONSORS!!

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