From Hot Dogs to Boots

From Hot Dogs to Boots

Ever seen a boot driving down the road?

The first Bootmobile hit the road in 2012 to celebrate L.L. Bean’s 100th anniversary. Since then, the vehicles have traveled to 25 states and covered some 350,000 miles, going as far west as Utah and crossing the border into Canada.

The vehicle’s high season is now. From midsummer through late fall, L.L. Bean sends the Bootmobile on the road with a team that takes it to beaches, college campuses and town squares, doing brand activations and opening a mobile pop-up shop.

Using known truck routes that are safe for the bootmobile, L.L. Bean representatives stop along their sometimes 200-mile route to give out free branded trinkets and, at certain spots, free meals. A “surprise and delight,” is when the Bootmobile shows up at some restaurant or ice cream stand and the driver plunks down a corporate credit card to pay for everyone’s orders.

Talk about good corporate citizenship! While that’s not in most companies’ budgets, what other smaller – but possibly just as significant – actions can your company do to a) get some brand recognition, and b) spread some good will?

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