Four Easy Ways to Fortify Your Network  

By Elmer Leon, Farrell Roofing

Networking is a powerful practice that can help your business flourish and lead to long lasting mentorships and partnerships. Building relationships with other professionals can not only help you generate new leads, but also establish a foundation of support for your business. In the construction industry, leveraging your network can help you overcome the challenges of today like supply chain issues and growing your client base significantly. 

As a second generation roofer, I have learned the ins and outs of the trade and recognize that subcontractors face unique challenges within the scope of business networking. These four tips can help any member of the industry strengthen their professional relationships, resulting in an increase of referrals and a larger client base but also strong relationships with other business owners from a variety of different industries. 

  1. Put Yourself Out There

Oftentimes, the most difficult part of networking is making that first effort to start the conversation. Though it may seem uncomfortable at first, it is important to remember that everyone engaging in these events has the same goal of building relationships that result in mutually beneficial outcomes. A simple conversation can turn into a strong relationship with a networking power partner if it is properly nurtured. Shift away from the competitive frame of mind and focus on building a community of trusted advisors for your business.

  1. Be Open Minded

You may feel as though your efforts are only worthwhile if you are networking with business owners in your industry, however it is extremely beneficial to engage with individuals from any industry. Listening and learning about the trends of other industries can better inform your business decisions and help you to navigate challenges more effectively. Also, be receptive to networking outside of formal events. Meaningful relationships can be forged anywhere, not just within a professional setting, even at the grocery store. 

  1. Utilize Online Resources

The practice of networking is evolving as technology evolves, and it is important to make good use of supplementary resources to set yourself up for success. For example, utilizing social networking websites can help bolster your networking practice. There are several resources available to anyone who wants to start networking online via social networking sites including Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, and even custom apps through networking groups. The networking group LeTip, which I am a member of, has an online database called LeTip Wired which allows members to connect remotely and track referrals. Networking groups that have an online or virtual component help to keep the conversation going after making those initial connections. It is important to recognize that online networking is just one tool in your toolkit and should not completely replace face-to-face networking. 

  1. Join a Formal Networking Group

Joining a formal networking group opens additional opportunities to build and strengthen relationships with business owners that can help you as your business faces adversity. The relationships that I have cultivated through my LeTip networking group have led my business to rise above real challenges. For example, this past year, my business was stalled by shortages in material. However, utilizing my LeTip network, I was able to get help from the businesses of my fellow members and outsourced material to get supplies quickly. As a member of a formal organization, you also get exclusive access to networking events and opportunities that are only available for members of business networking groups, such as specialized trade shows or exhibitions.

By building a strong network, you always have trusted advisors on industry insights within reach. Remember, it is important to keep in contact and maintain good relationships with former employers, coworkers, and subcontractors that you’ve worked with before as you will most likely come across these same people in your future jobs. The benefits of networking reach far beyond just generating new business. 

About the author:
Elmer Leon is a Business Development Manager for one of the strongest and most reliable roofing companies in the nation, Farrell Roofing. As a 2nd generation roofer, Leon strives to share his experience to educate property managers and building owners, helping them understand the importance of maintaining, servicing, and replacing their roof systems. Maintaining safety and high standards of quality is Leon’s number one priority. Farrell Roofing is a union-based company, and customers can count on Leon and his team to provide excellent customer service along with the manpower necessary to tackle any job no matter the size.

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