Contractor Community – September 2021

ASA Welcomes New Gold Sponsor, Billd

Billd signs sponsorship deal with American Subcontractors Association to provide growth options and financing education for subcontractors

Billd, a first-of-its-kind payment solution for the construction industry is American Subcontractors Association’s newest Gold Sponsor. Billd and ASA will work in tandem to share Billd’s financial expertise with ASA’s wide network of subcontractors.

For contractors who usually aren’t paid until more than 90 days from purchasing materials, Billd provides 120-day terms so they can stabilize cash flow and more effectively grow their businesses. With a deep understanding of the construction industry, Billd knows traditional credit metrics are poor predictors for risk in this vertical segment and has built a variety of industry-specific proprietary analytic tools to better assess risk in the construction industry. For more information, check out Billd.

SLDF Fundraiser in San Antonio

Come join the Subcontractors Legal Defense Fund on October 22nd for the Whiskey Tour and Tasting Fundraiser at Maverick Whiskey in San Antonio. Events like this help fund the incredible work that the SLDF does for the entire subcontracting industry.

Registration is available at

Register today and support the SLDF!

President Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Executive Orders

On September 9, 2021, President Biden announced his COVID-19 Action Plan entitled “Path Out of the Pandemic,” which included a pair of Executive Orders (EOs). The EOs require that all federal employees and contractors must be vaccinated against COVID-19, and the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will be issuing an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) requiring that private employers with 100 or more employees are vaccinated. 

In the interim, OSHA must craft this ETS, and mandating vaccinations as a threshold for workplace safety and health poses the biggest regulatory challenge in decades for OSHA.The agency is primed for lawsuits and OSHA has lost five out of the six times such temporary rules landed in court. Stay tuned for more information as this ETS unfolds in the coming weeks.

ASA Is Leading the Way in Creating a Level Playing Field for Prequalification!

While we all understand the growing need for risk management, prequalification has traditionally been one sided. We struggle to keep up with the multiple unique general contractor requests, understand how the data is used, why each general contractor has a different set of requirements, and a different platform to fulfill said requirements

When things are out of balance and where challenges for subcontractor’s exist, there are opportunities for ASA to step in and address them. Prequalification is one such challenge and we have partnered with Compass, by Bespoke Metrics to offer subcontractor-centric solutions in the form of:

  1. Standardization of data updated once a year through the 1Form (universal form)
  2. Full control over which general contractors, down to the user who can access your data
  3. Secure transfer of data to your general contractors, owners, banks, surety, and etc.
  4. Data-driven independent third-party scoring to support quality-based selection

Next month, Bespoke Metrics will be launching their new 2021 1Form. Collaboration with over 100 of the largest general contractors and insurers ensure the 1Form meets all prequalification requirements. New for this year, we have a voice through the ASA User Tech Group to ensure subcontractor concerns, such as time to complete, ease of use, and access to sensitive data are being communicated and addressed within the supply chain.

For a hard copy of the 1Form, if you would like to participate, or have any questions reading our objectives, please feel free to reach out at

Retainage Law in 50 States

ASA is happy to announce the publication of their updated Retainage Law in 50 States resource document for ASA members, detailing the regulations limiting retainage percentages – a portion of the contract price deliberately withheld until the work is substantially complete. We are most grateful to our member attorneys, who volunteered their time and energy to ensure that this resource was up to date.

ASA members can find this document online in the ASA InfoHub platform!

House Democrats Unveil Key Parts of Their $3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Bill

On September 7, 2021, the House Democratic Leadership unveiled key parts of their $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, which would enact the bulk of President Biden’s economic agenda including the coverage of dental, hearing and vision benefits by Medicare. Additionally, the bill would include new spending to enact free college, a boost to the Pell Grant for low-income college students, funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, as well as expanded child care and universal pre-K. The bill would mandate universal paid family leave, along with increased wages for childcare workers, a new requirement for employers to automatically enroll employees in retirement plans, and funding for recruiting more elder-care workers.

ASA Calls Upon the House to Support Infrastructure

ASA, along with the AGC, the American Road & Transportation Builders Association, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and the U.S. Chamber called upon the U.S. House to pass the Senate passed bipartisan infrastructure bill, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).  This legislation represents a historic opportunity to provide substantial economic and quality of life enhancements to communities across the country and to build for the future. The investments made in the package would facilitate long overdue repairs and improvements to our roads, bridges, rail, and public transportation, and other critical infrastructure, such as airports, ports, broadband, energy, and water systems. The investments included in the IIJA would create good-paying jobs through project construction in the short term and provide improved safety and mobility for people and goods for decades to come in every single state. By including a five-year reauthorization of federal highway, public transportation, and passenger rail programs, the agreement would also ensure states and localities have much needed funding and policy certainty to proceed with planned projects. These programs are currently operating under an extension set to expire September 30th, and the Federal Highway Administration recently warned the Highway Trust Fund could face cash shortfalls as early as November, which will severely disrupt highway projects. Taken together, the need for prompt action is imperative.

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