Contractor Community – April 2022

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Prequalification Technology Built for and by Subcontractors

As we operate during uncertain times, Subcontractor risk management has been instrumental in

maintaining the integrity of the construction supply chain. Over the next few months, the majority of the market will be requested to renew their prequalification as 2021 financial statements become available, known as The Great Expiry.

General contractors have never had this much choice in digital tools to streamline requalification. With the rapid adoption of preconstruction technology, general contractors are following prequalification best practices regardless of insurance requirements. This further widens the technology gap, perpetuating the need for subcontractor involvement in the development of said digital tools.

To combat the increasing volume and repetitiveness of prequalification, the ASA is coordinating efforts to bring awareness and an openness to subcontractor-led prequalification to the general contracting community. With this initiative, the ASA supports the use of COMPASS, built for subcontractors to address the concerns of form fatigue, data ownership/privacy, lack of feedback and transparency.

Subcontractors need only to update their information once per year through their standard 1Form, and satisfy all requests for prequalification securely.

Throughout The Great Expiry, COMPASS aims to disconnect prequalification from the project. By updating data when its first available, subcontractors are in control and are better prepared to discuss prequalification limits with general contractors, which may result in larger contract sizes and more business opportunities.

We understand there is a cost associated with COMPASS and believe prequalification is a benefit to our industry. The responsibility and costs should be proportionately shared across the supply chain. In this competitive environment where there is a race to the bottom, prequalification not only ensures all parties on the jobsite are capable of meeting contract obligations, but promotes quality-based selection, further protecting our margins and interests.

To learn more about Bespoke Metrics, visit or email to schedule a demo.

ASA Will Comment on OSHA’s Record-Keeping Regulation Relating to Construction

On March 30, 2022, OSHA issued its proposed amendments to its record-keeping regulation. The current regulation requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness information to OSHA. The most significant change is that covered establishments with 100 or more employees in certain high-hazard industries—including construction—are now going to be required to electronically submit information from their OSHA Forms 300, 301 and 300A to OSHA once a year (rather than just the 300A), and the data will be posted online by OSHA. In addition, the proposal will remove the current requirement for establishments with 250 or more employees not in a designated industry to electronically submit information from their Form 300A to OSHA annually and require establishments to include their company name when making electronic submissions to OSHA.  ASA will plan to submit comments to the rule by May 31, 2022.

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The Chapter Scholarship Fund is Now the Brianna Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund

ASA is proud to share that the Chapter Scholarship Fund has been renamed the Brianna Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund in honor of the late Brianna Wright, the beloved Executive Director of the ASA of Houston chapter. This decision was made by the ASA Executive Directors Council to honor Brianna’s incredible 25 year career with the association, and the ED Council considered this the one of the most significant efforts they have recently brought to fruition.

Brianna Wright’s dedication to ASA and her contributions to the organization over her decades of service will never be forgotten.  The renaming of the Scholarship Fund is an effort to keep her cherished memory alive for those who loved her most and miss her every day.

The Brianna Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund helps chapters send participants from their local region to ASA National events in order to network, learn from their peers on a national level, and to help ensure that all ASA chapters are represented at national gatherings.  Many of today’s leaders in ASA attended their first SUBExcel with funds from this important effort, and those members continue to attend every year since after seeing the important impact that being there made for them.

Brianna Wright loved coming together with her ASA family, and we hope that that this effort will help others join in something she enjoyed so much. If you are interested in joining this effort the link to the donation page will be on the SUBExcel page year round, and we appreciate everyone who donates in her honor.

DOL’s Reviewing Minimum Wage and Overtime Exemptions

The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division previously announced that it is reviewing the regulations that implement the Fair Labor Standard Act’s minimum wage and overtime exemptions for bona fide executive, administrative, and professional employees.  In the last few months, DOL has held multiple listening sessions. DOL has announced additional virtual overtime listening sessions for May and June 2022 for both worker and employer stakeholders.  These sessions are being organized by region. Sign up for these listening sessions.

The agency seeks stakeholder input on issues such as:

  • the appropriate salary level above which the exemptions for bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employees may apply;
  • the costs and benefits of increasing the salary level to employers and employees, including increasing wages and reducing litigation costs;
  • the best methodology for updating the salary level, and the appropriate frequency of updates; and
  • whether other changes to the overtime regulations are warranted.

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