Colorado’s People Connector – Debra Scifo 

Colorado’s People Connector – Debra Scifo 

By Mary Klett, ASA Communications Team 

Connecting people with people. That’s how Debra Scifo sums up her 26 years at the helm of ASA of Colorado. “My job is to help ASA members be successful, referring them to resources they’re looking for.” When she turns over the helm of ASA Colorado (ASAC) to her replacement in October, she’ll continue working in the construction industry for trade-specific organizations. She is looking forward to devoting some of her extra time to her family and hobbies and looking forward to supporting her husband’s growing concierge transportation business.

“Twenty-six years ago, I was hired to develop programs, resources and benefits that supported ASAC members. A priority of the leadership team was the ASAC’s legislative advocacy program. Legislative advocacy was a new venture of ASAC, and the first objective was to educate members on the legislative process and create a grassroots program. ASAC entered the legislative arena with a big agenda; reform retainage, payment and contractual risk transfer.” Legislative success is only realized through coalition and collaboration and the general contractor community and other industry partners know that we bring a large grass roots movement to get things done. We partner with smaller associations and groups that have similar interests and limited resources. Together we hire a lobbyist, support candidates and engage our members through call to action opportunities and fundraising initiatives.”

“The job of an Executive Director is to get ‘execution’ of the ASAC Board of Directors goals and initiatives set out through our strategic plan. My task is to find the resources and to support ASAC Committees that are engaged in the ‘doingness’ of ASAC activities. I do not know a lot, but I know people who know a lot of things – and other people. I enjoy putting people together to the benefit of everyone.”

“During COVID, everything stood still. Once the world came out of their homes, outreach and event planning was a challenge. The organization responded at first with virtual education and networking and gradually offered hybrid events and today ASAC is as ‘ we once were.’ We’re a known entity in the community, and people trust us. And that’s the reason I’ve stayed so long –  the people. I love the people of this industry. Having said that, Deb knows that the organization is stronger and better than ever with Nick Williams coming on as CEO. “He’s been involved with ASA for more than 15 years as a member, committee chair, and President, he knows exactly what we need and how ASAC can support the Colorado Construction Industry to the benefit of all.”

The ASAC Board of Directors, under the leadership of Ashley Butts, President/Owner of Powell Restoration, are leading ASA Colorado, and have put their full support behind Nick. “You all just wait! ASAC is headed in a direction that will deliver to our industry remarkable things. They will open doors, and grow the resources and connections needed to position every one of our members for success, and our chapter to grow.” 

“I’m going to miss making those connections myself, but I know Nick will take this position to the next level. Thank you to everyone who has crossed my path these past 26 years. I appreciate your sharing, caring and commitment to each other and to the industry. Keep up the excellent work.”

And ASA will miss Deb and her knowledge of everything Colorado. We wish her all the best!

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