President’s Letter – June 2024

President’s Letter – June 2024

Dear Readers –

Time has just dragged this past year. NOT! Yeah, I know every president says how great their time was – and it’s a fact for me as well. Sure, it’s hectic, sometimes frustrating, but ALWAYS rewarding. Glad I’m a part of this organization, and I encourage others to step up and take a leadership role – whether in your chapter or at the national level. You’ll be glad you did. Honest.

The annual Board Meeting and Fly-In was last week, so that’s still top of mind for me. Read about it in our “Always Something Awesome” segment.

Some of the other activities and accomplishments that stick out for me this past year are:

  • Andrew Christ from Compass Constructors testified at the House Small Business Committee, and SBA Administrator, Isabel Guzman, repaid the visit, shortly thereafter. It just goes to show how stepping up, putting yourself out there, and getting uncomfortable, sometimes pays off. What you do, what you say, has an impact.
  • Our ThinkTank meetings – where members start to figure out our priorities, ideas to address, have been eye-opening. Come join us as we take this association forward.
  • SUBExcel – Our grand event each year, was memorable – as always, with a little flooding excitement thrown in for good measure. Remember to bring your Boots and Bling to Oklahoma City next year – this time in the Fall – September 24 – 27, 2025.
  • But really, it’s all the smaller one-on-one meetings with YOU – that really remind me how amazing this group is; how we get things done. We all work so hard – but it’s when we come together with a common goal that we can change the construction industry for the better. Thank you!
  • And a reminder about ASA’s Attorneys’ Council meeting this Friday, Jun 28, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Shannon Oscar at “soscar at”.

Temperatures are rising…a lot. Take note, and be prepared. We’re focusing on SAFETY in this month’s issue. I just talked about relationships – read about how that matters in safety too.  Some thoughts about the Key Bridge in Baltimore, PFAS in construction, and other relevant topics.

It’s been an honor to be your president this past year. I’m passing the gavel to Ray Moya of Prime Electric. He’s no stranger to ASA, and I know he’s anxious to leave his mark on this excellent association. Congratulations, Ray! I’m with you, buddy. Let’s go!!

Brad Miller
President, ASA 2024-2025

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