ASA President’s Letter – October 2022

Dear Members –

I don’t mean to start this letter on a downer-note…but I’m just listening to the news about the fatal tractor-trailer crash on the CO-KS border, closing down Westbound Interstate-70. Weather was sunny. They’re still looking into the cause, but it makes me want to remind everyone out there – stay alert; do a job right, don’t rush; every job, every task, is a potential hazard – even sitting at a desk. And as the weather gets colder, more weird, more 500-year storms every few years, please get ready, stay ready, and help your neighbors. That’s my public service announcement for this month.

And speaking of weather, our ASA family in SW Florida is still reeling and now recovering from Category 4 Hurricane Ian – the deadliest hurricane to strike Florida since 1935. Estimated damage is between $28-63 billion, most of which through flooding. More than 2.4 million people lost power. Check out the needs of our ASA SW Florida community on our Always Something Awesome page.

Just a few more days until our legal group meets up in New Orleans for their Fall meeting on October 29. If you’re in the area, please join us at the World War II Museum for our fundraiser (or just donate to SLDF) to help their work in defending subcontractor rights around the country. The Subcontractors Legal Defense Fund (SLDF) tackles cases locally that could set national precedent…Texas, Oklahoma, California…wherever.

Also, the Dept. of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division proposed a rule that would determine whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Here’s a quick summary. Comments on this rule are due on November 28, 2022.

We’ve got some great articles for you this month. Just to highlight a couple: If you’re looking into planning for next year, check out Ed Zaranski’s analysis of where the construction industry is heading. He provides lots of good insight and predictions. Also, Bob Tuman delves into Experience Modification Rate, and what you can do to improve yours.

That’s it from me for now. Thanks for your support of this association, working for your rights, your success, your future. Let us know how we can do better.

Rusty Plowman

ASA President 2022-2023

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