ASA President’s Letter

November 2018

Dear ASA Members,

As I enter my fifth month as president of your Association, I want to emphasize one of the most critical, and valuable, aspects of membership in ASA: active participation. No doubt, you all actively participate in some manner in your local chapter, whether it’s attending monthly membership programs, supporting your chapter’s golf tournament or awards program, or volunteering on a chapter committee or task force. There are, however, additional ways to actively participate in ASA—attend our annual national convention, SUBExcel, for example.

SUBExcel 2019 will take place March 6-9, 2019, at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel in Nashville, Tenn. Register online, make your hotel reservations, check out the education program, and get to know the speakers we’ve lined up at By joining us at SUBExcel 2019 in Nashville, you can take advantage of the education workshops and sessions to learn about issues that affect your business, and, just as importantly, meet your colleagues and fellow members in-person during the many networking events and activities we have planned for you. I can’t say enough great things about how beneficial participation in ASA, and in particular, our annual convention, has been for me and my company, ACE Glass. I have heard success stories of success from other members that encourage me and I wouldn’t know without my time in this organization. My company has become aware of risks and pitfalls because of the sharing of information and lessons learned, and I have developed lifelong friendships.

One of my goals during my term has been to do all I can to ensure that you get all you can from ASA. Surely, you’ve heard this before: “You get out of life what you put into it.” The same is true for membership in any association. The more you put into the association, whether it’s volunteering for your chapter or participating in chapter meetings or the national convention, the more you will get out of your membership.

If you would like to discuss what else ASA can do for you or how ASA can better meet your needs, I would be happy to visit with you more. In the meantime, register for SUBExcel 2019 and get to know your fellow members of ASA! I, for one, will be very pleased to meet you!

Best Regards,

Courtney Little

2018-19 President

American Subcontractors Association


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