Always Something Awesome – The Foundation Of The American Subcontractors Association

Always Something Awesome – The Foundation Of The American Subcontractors Association

If you’re good at something, people keep asking more of you. Luckily, ASA is abundant with members who are willing to step up, jump in, and take on the challenges of leadership. Of course we always welcome new faces and ideas (nudge, nudge; wink, wink).


The Foundation of the American Subcontractors Association (FASA) was established in 1987 as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt entity to support research, education and public awareness.

FASA is committed to forging and exploring the critical issues shaping subcontractors and specialty trade contractors in the construction industry. FASA provides subcontractors and specialty trade contractors with the tools, techniques, practices, attitude and confidence they need to thrive and excel in the construction industry.

John Leifester (Dedicated Landscaping Services), Jenn Swinney (Executive Director of ASA San Antonio Chapter), and Patty Peterson (Tindall Corporation), are just a few of the nine dedicated ASA members of the FASA Board of Directors.

When asked why they joined the FASA Board, overwhelmingly, they responded that they want ASA to be the top resource for subcontractors, and one way to do that is for FASA to be an instrument for increasing ASA’s value to its members and to all subcontractors.

They also know that if you want change, you have to be the change you want. Only then can “we build a better future for our incredible construction industry,” per Jenn Swinney.

While FASA is still gearing up, the end goal is for our content and educational value to be the go-to resource for information across the industry – forming stronger partnerships with other associations and groups to build a network and resources for the benefit of all subcontractors.

FASA and ASA have an exciting future, and we want to be a part of it!

So What IS FASA?

FASA, with a major focus on industry education, oversees the development of professional educational content, webinars, and other resources. This commitment to education not only enhances professional development and safety for employees in our industry, but also boosts productivity for every construction project.
In a nutshell, here’s our current focus:
Natural Disaster Guide – Critical resources for BEFORE and AFTER a natural disaster.
Diversity & Inclusion Resources – We’re inspired to bring awareness to the need to promote diversity and inclusion within the construction industry.
Suicide Prevention – Mental health awareness and suicide prevention are important job safety issues.
The Contractor’s Compass – Our monthly educational journal … for everyone.
SUBExcel – The premier education and networking event for subcontractors, specialty trade contractors, and suppliers

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