Always Something Awesome – 2024 Fly-In

Always Something Awesome – 2024 Fly-In

On June 11 and 12,  ASA advocated on Capitol Hill to ensure the voices of subcontractors, who make up the three-fourths of the construction industry, are heard throughout the halls of Congress.

The visit coincided with an extremely busy time on Capitol Hill as Congress works toward finalizing the FY25 Appropriations Bills, the Reauthorization of the Farm Bill, and the FY25 National Defense Authorization Act, which contains procurement-related issues important to the construction industry.

Thirty ASA members participated in 21 Senate meetings and 23 House meetings to discuss a variety of issues that face our organization with their home state Members.

ASA members also participated in several group meetings:

    • Senate Small Business Committee– Members met with the Senate Small Business Committee’s Legal Counsel to discuss federal procurement issues such as change order reform, along with the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and its effect on small businesses. Members also discussed the expiring tax provisions from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and shared support of H.R. 7024 Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act, which passed the House and is up for consideration in the Senate.
  • Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) – Members met with Sen. Tuberville’s office to discuss the Senator’s bill to repeal the Corporate Transparency Act (S.4297).  ASA supports this legislation, which will help small businesses by ending the CTA’s onerous reporting requirements.
    • Sen. Maizie Hirono (D-HI) – Members met with Senator Hirono’s office to discuss federal procurement issues. Her position on the Senate Armed Services and Small Business Committees is valuable and we appreciate her advocacy on our issues.
    • Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) – Members met with key members of the Senator’s staff to discuss his legislation, The Water Infrastructure Subcontractor and Taxpayer Protection Act. ASA supports this legislation, which seeks to improve project delivery and reduce risks of default on federally financed water infrastructure projects by requiring surety bonds on public private projects.
    • Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ)- Sen. Kelly is the Democrat co-sponsor of the Water Infrastructure Subcontractor and Taxpayer Protection Act. Members had an opportunity to meet with key staff in Sen. Kelly’s office to discuss their continued support of this legislation, which requires surety bonds for federally funded water infrastructure projects.
  • House Small Business Committee Minority and Majority Staff – Members engaged senior staff for both the minority and majority on federal procurement issues, especially those previously highlighted by ASA member Andrew Christ at a House Small Business Committee hearing on February 6, 2024. Members also advocated for the repeal of the Corporate Transparency Act due to the compliance burdens placed on small businesses.
  • Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN) – Members met with Rep. Stauber, who is the sponsor of H.R 2726, Small Business Payment for Performance Act which mandates quick payment for contractors following change orders. Rep. Stauber is also Co-chair of the Congressional Construction Procurement Caucus, and we are grateful for his time and continued advocacy on our issues.

Rep. Bost (R-IL) – Members met with Rep. Bost’s key staff to discuss bonding issues. Rep. Bost is the Republican sponsor of H.R. 1740, the legislation requiring bonding for federally funded public private partnership projects. ASA supports this legislation to protect taxpayer funds, workers, subcontractors, and suppliers. We appreciate Rep. Bost’s continued efforts to amend the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act with this legislation.

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