Brother, Can You Spare a Dime…or a Drill…or a Pump?

Hurricane Ian is one of the strongest Hurricanes on record to make landfall in the contiguous United States. On September 28, the eye of Hurricane Ian hit  about 30 miles from our ASA SW Florida office. Over 3 million people were without power, and main water lines were destroyed and broken. The flooding was so extensive that people do not have cars to use to leave. We now have a grocery store that’s reopened, and a few major stores have power restored. We’re slowly making progress, but there’s still so much to be done. You’ve seen photos of the devastation, know about the deaths, probably even donated. It’s been almost a month now, but Hurricane Ian is life-changing for the ASA SW community. 

Here’s what we need: 

  • Prayers for the thousands who have lost everything. 
  • Support for our ASA membership as they help clean up and rebuild our communities. If you want to help one of our members in a business like yours, reach out to me and I’ll put you in touch so you can work directly with them.
  • Funds to help as people get food, water and other supplies, as the days and weeks continue. Here’s a GoFundMe page we’ve set up:
  • Spare equipment, people, tools that can be spared.

Your support would mean a lot to me, our chapter and community. Thank you so much!

Ft. Myers damage after Hurricane Ian (

Best Regards,

LaRae Davenport Rose

Executive Director, ASA SW FL

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