Contractor Community – March 2021

Business View Magazine interviews Richard Bright and Mike Oscar. 

Business View Magazine recently spoke with ASA representatives Richard Bright, COO, and Mike Oscar, Director of Government Relations, about the Association’s importance to its members and issues facing the industry at large. See what they have to say. 


Check out the excellent video that the Houston Chapter recorded detailing the essential construction worker. A great tribute to the dedicated men and women working through these tough times. In the video, “Essential: A Tribute to Construction Working Through COVID“, essential workers discuss everything from the rapid changes that needed to be addressed on the jobsite, to being a primary breadwinner for a family when there is economic uncertainty and parenting children who began remote learning and needed frequent help. Kudos to ConstructionDive for highlighting this video. Click here to view the full story from Construction Dive.

ASA Strongly Supports the Promoting Infrastructure by Protecting Our Subcontractors and Taxpayers Act of 2021

On March 9, 2021 Sens. Van Hollen (D-MD) and Rounds (R-SD), and Reps. Lynch (D-MA) and Balderson (R-OH) reintroduced the Promoting Infrastructure by Protecting Our Subcontractors and Taxpayers Act of 2021. This bipartisan, bicameral legislation would direct the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to ensure public-private partnership (P3) projects using Transportation Infrastructure Finance Innovation Act (TIFIA) financing have appropriate payment and performance security and are sound federal investments by requiring a surety bond.

Unfortunately, P3 projects sometimes do not maintain the same level of protection that has been required on public infrastructure projects for over a hundred years through federal and state Miller Acts. Without these protections, in the event of a contractor default, the project is halted, and can be terminated, leaving subcontractors and workers without pay. Additionally, states and taxpayers then are forced to absorb additional costs of rebidding the project.

Payment and performance protections, through the use of surety bonds, provide monetary compensation in case a contractor fails to perform the acts as promised. These bonds play a vital role in ensuring contractors in financial distress avoid bankruptcy, allowing subcontractors and workers of public works projects to receive compensation and allowing the project to be delivered within budget and on time. This bipartisan, bicameral policy seeks to provide added protection for our nation’s workers, subcontractors, and small businesses as they look to solve our country’s infrastructure needs by ensuring essential payment and performance security protections are in place for all forms of project procurement where federal funds are used.

Finally, I am pleased to highlight ASA’s Government Relations Committee Co-Chairs’ comments on this important legislation:

“The American Subcontractors Association (ASA) proudly supports this important bipartisan legislation because our contractor members witness firsthand the importance of financial securities such as performance and payment bonds on construction projects. These bonds assure that a contractor is qualified to perform the obligations in the award and serve as protection for the public agencies in case the contractor fails to meet their obligations under the contract,” said Gloria Hale and Courtney Little, ASA Government Relations Committee Chairs.

Learn the Ropes of Construction Credit in a New Free Online Class

Are you a Credit Manager or do you ever work with credit managers? A new, free class contains more than 50 short video lessons that break down the functions of credit management in the construction industry. Join Thea Dudley, a credit coach and 30+ year industry veteran to increase your credit skills and become the most valuable player on your construction company’s team. Enroll today on Levelset Credit Management Academy

Explore this Series of Legal Webinars

March 31, 1:00 pm EDT – Management of Project Schedule Impact and Delay Claims

The third of the series sponsored by our sponsor FoundationSoftware and their partner Hahn Loeser, this program will discuss the management of project schedule impact and delay claims, as well as critical documentation and proactive practices to protect project profitability. The webinars are free, but registration is required. 

April 13, 1:00 pm EDT – Join Venture/Partnerships for Large Construction Projects. This session will focus on how local small, medium, and large contractors can create partnerships or joint ventures with each other, or with out-of-town contractors to bid on large projects. 

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