6 Ways to Improve Productivity in Construction Using Technology

By Patrick Hogan, handle.com

Technology has come a long way, and the construction industry has adopted various technological developments increasingly. The use of power tools and heavy equipment, for example, has significantly improved productivity in construction projects.

As technology further develops, construction businesses must also keep up to further improve their processes on and off the worksite. Here are some ways that you can leverage advances in technology to streamline your processes and increase your productivity.

Use project management software

Most construction businesses are already using software to manage their projects. If you have not yet adopted this technology, you are running way behind and you should use a piece of project management software right away.

Project management software allows you to simplify your work processes across all stages of construction, from planning to scheduling to tracking all relevant worksite issues. Project management software can also help you with managing your budget, setting goals and objectives, and assigning responsibilities and accountabilities to the right personnel.

These days, using effective project management software is key to running a construction project smoothly. Not only are you able to track everything, but are also able to communicate plans, budget, and other relevant information to all the stakeholders in a project.

Collaborate efficiently using BIM

The Building Information Model (BIM) technology is probably one of the best technological upgrades that have significantly improved efficiency and productivity in construction design. Using a BIM allows construction professionals to model their designs and make informed decisions about building performance and project workflows.

When you use BIM technology, the changes you made to a building model are updated in real time. This means that everyone that has access to the design can see in real time the changes and updates that you made, which makes for easy and efficient collaboration, even in remote set-ups.

Furthermore, a BIM software allows you to digitize your designs. This does not only help in communicating important project information to all stakeholders, but also allows for a seamless handover at the end of a project.

Employ real-time data tracking technology

Whether you do it by using a piece of comprehensive project management software or a change order mobile app, it is very important that you are able to collect and track data in every construction project.

Construction projects are more productive if data collection is done real time. If, for example, there are issues encountered on a work site and you need approvals for a change order, it is best if these issues and approval requests are communicated to the project managers immediately. Communication delays can result in long-term scheduling issues, which can consequently result in cost overruns.

To avoid having to deal with big issues concerning schedules and budgets, make sure that your team uses real-time projects and data tracking technology.

Take advantage of emerging AI solutions

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the branches of technology that have been gaining foothold in recent years. These emerging AI developments are able to analyze data to predict future project outcomes, foretell potential issues and roadblocks, and recommend ways to further improve your project workflows.

One example of an AI upgrade that you can take advantage of is a set of intelligent sensors that you can install on your tools and equipment. These sensors collect data for how these tools are moved around the worksite, especially when moving from one project site to the next. The AI system then studies the data and provides suggestions for equipment placement to make the tools more accessible to workers.

By employing these AI systems that study how a project flows, you can significantly reduce project downtime and speed up your processes, which can give you a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Upgrade your PPE with hi-tech wearables

Safety is arguably the most important aspect of construction. You do not want to compromise the safety of your employees, and under no circumstance must you subject them to potentially dangerous and unsafe situations.

Currently there are advanced technologies that can be installed on regular personal protective equipment (PPE) like hard hats, gloves, and work boots. These technologies are able to monitor the location and movement of workers, and they have features such as environmental sensors and voltage detectors.

By using wearable technology, workers can be alerted if they are about to enter hazard zones or if there are changes in the environment that are potentially hazardous.

Make use of lien filing software

One of ways you can improve productivity in a construction project is to digitize important administrative tasks, including the filing of mechanics liens.

There are numerous lien solutions available that help you track the deadlines for serving preliminary notices and for filing a mechanics lien. A good lien filing app can also allow you to complete mechanics lien forms in no time, search for important information such as legal property descriptions, and file a mechanics lien electronically with little effort.

While there are advantages that come with filing a mechanics lien on your own, using mechanics lien software can allow you to focus on your core project goals and leave the tedious administrative tasks to the experts. 

About the Author: 

Patrick Hogan is the CEO of Handle.com, where they build software that helps contractors, subcontractors, and material suppliers with late payments. Handle.com also provides funding for construction businesses in the form of invoice factoring, material supply trade credit, and mechanics lien purchasing.

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