• Natural Disaster Resource Guide0

    September marks the beginning of National Preparedness Month, a nationwide campaign to increase awareness about disaster preparedness. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there were 18 weather/climate disasters in 2022 with losses exceeding $1 billion. While late summer often brings hurricanes, we know that wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters can

  • National Preparedness Month – Financial Do’s0

    September is National Preparedness Month and with the peak of hurricane season just ahead, the Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers to develop an emergency preparedness plan or, if they already have one, to update it for 2023. Per the IRS, taxpayers can begin getting ready for a disaster with a preparedness plan that includes securing

  • Crucial Steps to Succeed on Claims0

    By Timothy J. Woolford, Woolford Kanfer Law, P.C. Properly preparing and submitting construction claims is among the most important aspects of managing a construction project. Succeeding in your claim(s) can be the difference between a profitable project and one that loses money. Generally speaking, a claim is the assertion of a right to additional compensation


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