• Can A.I. Prevent Construction Accidents and Fatalities?

    Can A.I. Prevent Construction Accidents and Fatalities?0

    By Bob Tuman, safety consultant  I was right in the middle of helping a painting contractor client figure out why his workers’ compensation premium had jumped $50,000 when a New York Times article caught my attention.  As I read “A.I. Can’t Build A High Rise, But It Can Speed Up the Job” (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/15/business/artificial-intelligence-in-construction-real-estate.html?searchResultPosition=1) and saw

  • Contractor Community – August 2024

    Contractor Community – August 20240

    Welcome New Sponsors! CNA Surety CNA Surety stands alongside contractors and subcontractors at every step of the bonding process to help them better manage their risks.  Through our strong relationships with brokers and independent agents located in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Canada, we have the capacity, experience and dedication to serve a full

  • Bridge Safety: Past Current and Future

    Bridge Safety: Past Current and Future0

    By Jason Hogan, Diversified Safety Services On March 26, the nation was stunned when the Key Bridge in Baltimore vanished within minutes, leading to worldwide transportation chaos for months. While the details of the incident are still under investigation, let’s discuss the safety principles in place and our response to this tragedy. In any large-scale


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