• Predicting Cash Flow in an Unpredictable Economy

    Predicting Cash Flow in an Unpredictable Economy0

    By Claire Wilson, Siteline When times are good, forecasting often takes a backseat. It’s easy for subcontractors to get caught up in the day-to-day and neglect the critical task of planning for the future. However, the current economic climate demands a more proactive approach.  This is especially true for subcontractors, who are the most susceptible

  • Dates & Figures – September 2024

    Dates & Figures – September 20240

    US Census Total Construction Construction spending during July 2024 was estimated at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $2,162.7 billion, 0.3 percent (±1.0 percent)* below the revised June estimate of $2,169.0 billion. The July figure is 6.7 percent (±1.8 percent) above the July 2023 estimate of $2,027.4 billion. During the first seven months of this

  • Our Wonderful Voice in Western Pennsylvania for 22 Years!

    Our Wonderful Voice in Western Pennsylvania for 22 Years!0

    By Mary Klett, ASA Communications Team In September 2002, Angie Wentz leapt into the American Subcontractors Association Executive Director’s chair in Western PA, contacted her 20 chapter members, and never looked back.  And 22 years later, she’s still looking forward to leaping into new ventures of a different kind, including,  And looking further ahead, she