Author's Posts

  • Can A.I. Prevent Construction Accidents and Fatalities?

    Can A.I. Prevent Construction Accidents and Fatalities?0

    By Bob Tuman, safety consultant  I was right in the middle of helping a painting contractor client figure out why his workers’ compensation premium had jumped $50,000 when a New York Times article caught my attention.  As I read “A.I. Can’t Build A High Rise, But It Can Speed Up the Job” ( and saw

  • Transforming Construction

    Transforming Construction0

    By Karalynn Cromeens, Cromeens Law Firm PLLC I occupy a unique place in the construction industry. As a construction lawyer who co-built a business, I understand my clients’ positions but have enough distance from their jobs to see how things could be different. What are things the industry struggles with or inefficiencies that could be


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