• The Top Contract Provisions for Subcontractors to Identify When Negotiating Subcontracts0

    September 2018 by Masaki James Yamada, Ahlers Cressman & Sleight, PLLC Congratulations, you have the winning bid! Now what? Do the work and get paid, right? Unfortunately, as all of us familiar with construction know, it is not that simple. (This can be especially true on public works projects.) Complying with your subcontract, which includes


    March 2018 Senate Committee Approves Bill Banning Reverse Auctions in Construction On Feb. 14, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs approved a bill that would prohibit federal agencies from using reverse auctions to procure construction and design services. S. 2113, the “Construction Consensus Procurement Improvement Act,” introduced by Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)


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