• Women in Construction: Meet Tracy Krieger

    Women in Construction: Meet Tracy Krieger0

    By YellowBird & Tracy Krieger In a traditionally male-dominated industry like construction, trailblazers like Tracy Krieger defy stereotypes and challenge the status quo. With over 15 years of experience in Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS), Tracy has emerged as an inspiration in her industry, breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings. Armed with a bachelor’s degree

  • Contractor Community – March 20240

    ASA’s Andrew Christ Hosts SBA Administrator Guzman On March 11, Andrew Christ, an ASA Board Member and owner of Compass Constructors located in Kansas City, (MO), hosted the Small Business Administrator (SBA) Guzman at his company.  The SBA Administrator spent about ninety minutes with Andrew and his colleagues, visiting his facility and discussing ways in

  • President’s Letter – March 2024

    President’s Letter – March 20240

    Dear Readers – I’m just trying to catch my breath after a fabulous, exciting, and especially invigorating SUBExcel Conference. While we certainly know how to “laissez les bons temps rouler” – we also know how to get business done. While the board sees each other fairly often – and talks even MORE often, it’s great


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