• President’s Letter – March 2025

    President’s Letter – March 20250

    President’s Letter – March 2025 Dear ASA Members and Friends of ASA, As busy as life always seems to be, March is no different. Is that what they mean by “March Madness”? For those of you that are college basketball fans, myself included, it is a great time of year. Hopefully your teams do wellREAD MORE
  • President’s Letter – February 2024

    President’s Letter – February 20240

    Dear Readers – As I write this, there are just a couple more weeks until SUBExcel. The excitement is building, and I’m really looking forward to enjoying the sights and sounds of New Orleans for a few days…not to mention seeing many of you. If we haven’t met, please come up, introduce yourself, and let

  • President’s Letter – April 20230

    Dear Readers – Spring is here! April is a month of renewal, rebirth, and celebration of life. I hope you rejoiced and celebrated with your family and friends – whatever rituals and traditions you enjoy. Time for spring cleaning, starting anew, out with the old! No more dust bunnies, windows wide open (hack, hack –

  • President’s Letter – May 20220

    Is it just me or is the fact that it’s almost June blows your mind too? Sure, I can remember exactly what happened or what I did each month, but why is time speeding up? Luckily I have a great team, and they keep me grounded. I hope you do too.  We’re still trying to

  • Workforce Development Podcast0

    July 2, 2024 Richard Bright, CEO of ASA, and Mike Kline, Director of Communications, get together to discuss the state of workforce development in the construction industry and what ASA and FASA are doing to support building capacity to assist Subcontractors.READ MORE

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