April 2018   OSHA Delays Enforcement of Beryllium Rules to May 11 On March 7, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration delayed enforcement of its rules on occupational exposure to beryllium by 60 days to May 11. That is, OSHA will not enforce the Permissible Exposure Limits and the Short Term Exposure Limits for beryllium

  • Cranes: Who Owns the Project Air?0

    March 2018 by Donald Gregory, Esq., Kegler, Brown, Hill and Ritter The recent surge in construction activity in urban settings has accelerated the use of cranes in tight spaces. Frequently large cranes find themselves moving over neighbor’s buildings. Unfortunately, there is little definitive law that tells us exactly what the obligations of the crane operators

  • Contractor Community0

    November 2017 Appeals Court Hears Oral Arguments on OSHA Silica Rule On Sept. 26, business and labor lawyers, as well as representatives of OSHA, made oral arguments concerning OSHA’s silica rule before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Industry attorneys, including those representing ASA and the Construction Industry Safety Coalition,