• Streamlining Processes for Cost Savings and Chargeback Allocation Strategies0

    By Dan Doyon, Maxim Consulting Group Construction projects are complex and multifaceted, with numerous stakeholders and processes involved. As a result, construction projects frequently experience delays, cost overruns, and quality issues. Contractors must streamline their processes and implement cost-cutting measures to address these issues. This article will examine how contractors can optimize processes and implement

  • Contract Review Blindspots for Construction Subcontractors0

    By Patrick Hogan, handle.com Contracts can significantly impact construction projects’ profitability, and complacency can lead to wasted resources–even revenue loss. Many fail to be conscientious about reviewing contracts for various reasons–they may have been working with the same client for several projects now, or they’ve never had issues with their templated contracts, so they don’t

  • ASA President’s Letter – October 20220

    Dear Members – I don’t mean to start this letter on a downer-note…but I’m just listening to the news about the fatal tractor-trailer crash on the CO-KS border, closing down Westbound Interstate-70. Weather was sunny. They’re still looking into the cause, but it makes me want to remind everyone out there – stay alert; do


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