• Dates & Figs – August 2024

    Dates & Figs – August 20240

    US Census Total Construction Construction spending during June 2024 was estimated at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $2,148.4 billion, 0.3 percent (±1.0 percent)* below the revised May estimate of $2,154.8 billion. The June figure is 6.2 percent (±1.6 percent) above the June 2023 estimate of $2,023.0 billion. During the first six months of this

  • Construction Spending – Volume – Jobs0

    By Ed Zarenski, Construction Analytics This plot is not showing good performance. Volume and jobs should be moving directly in tandem. When inflation is very high, spending climbs rapidly. But most of the climb is just due to inflation. To find out what’s really going on we need to look at business volume. Business volume