• Dates & Figs – August 2024

    Dates & Figs – August 20240

    US Census Total Construction Construction spending during June 2024 was estimated at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $2,148.4 billion, 0.3 percent (±1.0 percent)* below the revised May estimate of $2,154.8 billion. The June figure is 6.2 percent (±1.6 percent) above the June 2023 estimate of $2,023.0 billion. During the first six months of this

  • Construction Analytics0

    Ed Zarenski, Construction Economics Analyst I gave two conference presentations in the past month. The most pressing questions from the audience were (not in any particular order): Are we headed into a recession? When will the recession begin? What can be done about the labor shortage? How can we support all the infrastructure work that