• Understanding Additional Insured Endorsements in Construction Contracts

    Understanding Additional Insured Endorsements in Construction Contracts0

    By Gary Semmer, AssuredPartners In the construction industry, contracts define relationships, responsibilities, and expectations among contractors, subcontractors, and owners. One of the most important yet often misunderstood elements in these contracts is the Additional Insured (AI) Endorsement, which provides extended insurance coverage and is important in managing risk for all parties involved in a construction

  • Project Claims – How to Avoid Pitfalls That Could Sink Your Project

    Project Claims – How to Avoid Pitfalls That Could Sink Your Project0

    By Michael Metz-Topodas, Saul Ewing LLP Few construction projects go as planned because of the many inherent potential problems any project has: defective work, unforeseen site conditions, design errors, and unpaid performance, to name a few. Each such setback has monetary consequences for either the contractor, who ends up doing more work, or the owner,READ MORE
  • Prompt Claims Reporting

    Prompt Claims Reporting0

    By Builders Mutual Your insurance premium isn’t just another bill to pay each month. Your coverage is an important part of your business toolbox, helping to take care of injured workers, repair or replace damaged equipment, provide financial protection, and much more. Prompt claims reporting is important for speedy action if an incident does occur and

  • Stop the Hand-Off!

    Stop the Hand-Off!0

    Attacking the Misnomers of Preconstruction Strategy By Gregg Schoppman, Gregg.schoppman@fmicorp.com If you have ever called your pre-construction planning process a “dump meeting”, hand-off or turnover, please stop! The imagery of most pre-construction planning processes looks like it is setting the world speed record for paper shuffling.  “Here are the plans, specifications, submittals, contact list, map

  • Ready to Respond? Contractors’ Best Practices for Performance Bond Claim Preparedness

    Ready to Respond? Contractors’ Best Practices for Performance Bond Claim Preparedness0

    By Gina Lockwood, Esq., Merchants Bonding The frequency and severity of claims ebbs and flows, dependent on a variety of economic influences. But whether claims are on the rise or on the decline, contractors should always understand a surety’s claims process, and have the right practices in place to mitigate potential impacts of a claim.

  • Natural Disaster Resource Guide0

    September marks the beginning of National Preparedness Month, a nationwide campaign to increase awareness about disaster preparedness. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), there were 18 weather/climate disasters in 2022 with losses exceeding $1 billion. While late summer often brings hurricanes, we know that wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters can


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