• Document Management for Business – 3 Tips To Do It Better

    Document Management for Business – 3 Tips To Do It Better0

    By Karalynn Cromeens, Cromeens Law Firm, PLLC When you’re running a business, there’s a lot of documentation involved. Invoices, contracts, blueprints, and permits. There’s a lot to keep track of. In the past, this was done with paper and filing cabinets, but nowadays, we have digital databases to help keep better track of all the

  • Bridge Safety: Past Current and Future

    Bridge Safety: Past Current and Future0

    By Jason Hogan, Diversified Safety Services On March 26, the nation was stunned when the Key Bridge in Baltimore vanished within minutes, leading to worldwide transportation chaos for months. While the details of the incident are still under investigation, let’s discuss the safety principles in place and our response to this tragedy. In any large-scale

  • Cultivating Better Relationships for Improved Safety

    Cultivating Better Relationships for Improved Safety0

    By Scott Risch, Rosendin There are many conversations around how to improve safety culture within the construction industry, but to move the needle, it’s important to stop bifurcating safety from a company’s larger culture because safety is an integral part of everything we do and should be treated as such. During my more than 25