President's Letter - April 2024
- ASA President's Letter, President's Letter
- April 23, 2024
Dear Readers – Time has just dragged this past year. NOT! Yeah, I know every president says how great their time was – and it’s a fact for me as well. Sure, it’s hectic, sometimes frustrating, but ALWAYS rewarding. Glad I’m a part of this organization, and I encourage others to step up and take
READ MOREDear Readers – As I write this, there are just a couple more weeks until SUBExcel. The excitement is building, and I’m really looking forward to enjoying the sights and sounds of New Orleans for a few days…not to mention seeing many of you. If we haven’t met, please come up, introduce yourself, and let
READ MOREDear Readers: It’s January – and we’re off and running! I sincerely hope that everyone had an enjoyable holiday season, and got to catch up – even just a little bit – on some sleep. People left and right are getting sick with a whole mixed bag of illnesses. Please do what you need to
READ MOREDear Readers – Here we are with a week or so left in 2023, with Christmas and New Years Celebration speeding at us like a freight train, as I get older time really seems to fly. As we reflect on the year we had with its highs and lows, which hopefully the highs far exceeded
READ MOREDear Readers – November. Thoughts turn to…”Oh, darn, where did the year go?” Or was that thought already in September? For some that are more organized, November turns to Thanksgiving and holidays to wrap up the year. As always, there’s lots going on here at ASA. If your thoughts turn to ASA, here are the