• President’s Letter – May 20210

    Dear ASA Members,  I am so excited to start this letter off with something we’ve all been waiting for: Events!  We have had a jam-packed May with three incredible webinars, including the “ASA Day with SBA”. More webinars are coming up, so check the ASA website for the latest calendar. Even more exciting is that

  • Contractor Community – May 2021

    Contractor Community – May 20210

    ASA Supports Continued Investment in Surface Transportation Funding ASA joined the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) in applauding the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure’s work last year on the $1.5 trillion Moving Forward Act, H.R. 2. This legislation marked the broadest and most robust proposed levels of federal investment in the nation’s transportation infrastructure ever

  • Prompt Payment Laws: Know Your Rights0

    By Greg Reaume, McInerney & Dillon You might find this article helpful if you have been in this situation: your company is three months into a project, but last month’s payment has not come through on time. When you ask the general about it, he says that you did not submit the right paperwork –

  • SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee Program Teams Up with ASA0

    The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers guarantees on contract surety bonds to help small businesses in the construction, supply, and service sectors to better compete for contracting and subcontracting jobs.  SBA’s Office of Surety Guarantees (OSG) has provided growth opportunities to small businesses for over 50 years. In 1970, the Surety Bond Guarantee (SBG) Program was

  • Contractor Community – August 20200

    Heard about HealthLinks?  Health Links™ is a mentoring program of public health professionals that helps workplaces pursue health and safety. Health Links is offering ASAdvantage Members an exclusive discount—you’ll receive a Health Links Plus Plan for the price of a Basic Plan.   $180/year. A 45%-off discount!  Find out how Health Links can help you put

  • Contractor Community – March 20200

    ASA Coronavirus Resource Guide ASA has put together the ASA Coronavirus Employer Guide. To access this MEMBERS ONLY document, please visit the Resources section of the InfoHub and choose  “Member Benefits/ASAdvantage” from the drop-down menu at the top of the Resources page.   The ASA Recognizes our 2019 Award Winners! ASA was pleased to recognize