• President’s Letter – April 20221

    Dear ASA Members:     I hope everyone had a wonderful time with family over the Easter Weekend and is looking forward to warmer weather, summertime around the corner, and a bright future ahead. I know at Lone Star Paving, the temperatures are now well above freezing and we are into the hot mix asphalt season,

  • President’s Letter – March 20220

    Dear Readers –  I’m ecstatic to say…ASA’s annual conference, SUBExcel, was all it was cracked up to be…and then some. The energy level was amazing. If you DIDN’T join us in Florida a couple weeks ago, please call someone and get their impression. We’ll be getting the photos and videos together and will send you

  • President’s Letter – February 20220

    Dear ASA Members:     It’s hard to believe we are already half-way through the first quarter of 2022!  The year for my company is already off to a fast start, and this is the slow (because of the cold) time of year in the hot mix asphalt industry. I am hopeful and excited about what